Whether you know it or not, you are manifesting your life…right now. Even though the idea of manifesting has been claimed by esoterism and New Ageism, it is not the sole property of these philosophies. Manifesting is an ability we all possess, the difference is that some of us know we have this capability, while most don’t.

Just like breathing, manifesting is a natural ability for all of us. Ill-forces have clouded this ability in mystery and negative spiritualism, making the idea synonymous with “magic” and “voodoo” in order to frighten the average person away from its potential. The truth is, manifesting is an outcome delivered by intent and process. Both are required to activate this phenomenal gift and manifest YOUR best life.

Why do I emphasize “YOUR?”

Because often times, through societal influences, we manifest things that we don’t really want. We become victims to what is called “collective manifesting,” also known as “group think.” In order to manifest what YOU need, you have to be aware of this programming which bombards us all the time, influencing our thinking and clouding our discernment. For instance, a big house and a car are two of the primary “wants” that most people have. Why is that? Is it because we sincerely want these things, or is it because we have been hypnotized into wanting these things.

This is why it is important to be centered in our desires. Which brings me to step two in the manifestation process:

Manifesting Rule #2: Align your heart with Goodness in order to manifest ethically.

So often we take on a task only to find out that the outcome wasn’t what we expected. Think of dating that special someone. You’ve imagined, dreamt, even fantasized what it would be like to be with him/her. When the time finally arrives, and you go on that first date, your fantasy date turns out to be a dud instead of a stud. This is what happens when we align our desires with our egos, instead of Goodness. We often end up doing things that turn into a headache.

Ethical manifesting creates a low spiritual footprint. In other words, it has fewer negative repercussions compared to “malevolent manifesting” or “selfish manifesting” which has dubious negative consequences. Ethical manifesting is when we manifest what we need, not what we want by surrendering our desires to a higher power.

It is faith based, where we follow the idea that a higher power knows what is best for us and will align our desires with what we need for personal growth, not material enrichment.

How do we align our hearts with Goodness?

Herein lies the rub, which often leaves us chaffed with religious road rash. Yes, religions can provide a discipline for surrendering our desires to a higher power, but they can often layer useless dogma over our hearts, smothering the embers of our growth with “shoulds” and “woulds” which can lead us away from deeper “coulds”

Not to say that religion is all bad. Some of us need a strict discipline to follow to keep us on a path that is faith based. But for those that have faith in a higher power and feel that religion impedes rather than feeds their growth, then Ethical manifesting is a good practice to follow.