Manifesting is an old philosophy turned new. The idea behind manifesting is turning an idea into reality. Often associated with New Ageism it lends itself to esotericism, secret knowledge only a few possess.

The ancients used to use certain rituals to manifest ideas into reality, often involving natural resources as ingredients. Feathers. Hair. Fingernails. Herbs. Roots. Etc. Unfortunately, these ancient methods involved unethical practices, which are too gruesome to get into for this article. The good news is, there is a way to manifest ethically, without the blood, sweat and tears that they used to use.

In fact, we ethically manifest on a daily basis. Turning ideas into reality is as natural as breathing. Making breakfast is a good example. Imagine waking up from a good night’s sleep. Your stomach growls. It’s time to eat. An idea of toast with melted butter and coffee comes to mind. Poof! You manifest it by going to the kitchen and getting to work.

There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?

That’s manifesting. Turning an idea, no matter how complicated or simple it is, into a tangible reality.

“What if the idea I have is more complicated?”

Let’s say toast and coffee just isn’t going to cut it, and you wanted to take on a more involved breakfast like Crêpes Suzette for breakfast, but you don’t have any idea how to manifest it into reality.

What do you do?

You’d probably start with a recipe. This may mean turning on your computer, and searching for recipes on the net. It may mean opening a cookbook, and looking for the recipe there. You may have to add a few other steps to finish the task. Maybe a trip to the grocery store is in order. You may have to whip up some eggs. Or melt some butter. (You can tell I don’t have a clue how to make Crêpes Suzette). Whatever you need to do to manifest this yummy breakfast, you’ll accomplish it if you work towards it.

Easy, right?

When we’re talking about something simple, such as breakfast, it seems easy enough, but think of someone who has no experience with cooking. A child is a good example. Let’s pretend the child is two years old. She just got out of diaper-mode, and has learned how to walk, albeit with a bit of a wobble.

Would you give her a knife to cut bread for toast? Probably not. You’d first teach her what a knife is. Then you’d teach her how to hold it, how not to poke herself with it, how to avoid jabbing the dog with it, and so on until she finally gets it. This step may take years before she masters knife holding, let alone knife cutting. I still cut myself to this day (which doesn’t say much about me) but for a two-year-old, it is a monumental task.

The same goes for manifesting our best life. It takes practice. Training. Knowledge and wisdom. Once we learn how to manifest, it becomes just like making toast and as easy as breathing.

Let’s recap.

“Ethical manifesting is the practice of turning an idea into reality without causing harm to anyone or anything.”

If this is the kind of manifesting you wish to accomplish, we need to first understand desire and its role in the manifesting process.